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Week in review

The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin! posts in the past week:

Sunday: 4 Random Things We Did This Weekend

Thursday: Everyone does it backwards – why saving early and often and splurging later is better

Stuff we found interesting on the web:

  1. Mr. Saver listened to Barry Diller at an Expedia Conference about 3 years ago answer a question who he thought would be the richest person in the modern day world. He answered without hesitation, Jeff Bezos. And he said, “It won’t even be close.” It appears Barry was right. Wonder what else Amazon has up their sleeve? If they are using economists it must be big. We were actually curious who the richest person in the world was all time. So we looked it up: The richest person ever? Maybe the man on the yacht was on to something?
  2. You will hear both sides about whether or not climate change is occurring. Even if there is a remote chance why wouldn’t we want to try and stop it? Isn’t there more risk in doing nothing versus doing something? Stopping it is a noble concept.
  3. Not sure how we came across this one given it is from a few years ago.  How many of these  “under the radar honeymoon destinations” are truly still under the radar?
  4. Well that didn’t take long. Bryce Harper decides to gamble and turn down a $300M contract. In last week’s Week In Review we showed what happened. Then Mike Trout said, “Hold my beer, Bryce!” Wowzers….$430M. Granted, he plays in California so he is paying some hefty taxes but still!
  5. For all those Brazil fans out there. Traveling just got a lot easier. Too bad they didn’t do this before the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. Oh well, better late than never.
  6. Yes, by all accounts passive investing is the way to go. Much cheaper and outperforms all those “experts”. Now it controls nearly half of the US stock market. Will be interesting to see how this takes shapes in the years to come.

We’ll wrap it up for this week. Enjoy the weekend by spending a little and saving more but at the end of the day stay savvy friends!

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