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Week in review

The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin! posts in the past week:

Friday: My company’s 401K transition

Stuff we found interesting on the web:

  1. More rumblings about negative interest rates becoming “normal” in major economies. Hopefully they aren’t staying around for long.
  2. I love infographics and data visualization. This one here was kind of cool if you wanted to see how the world’s $86 trillion economy stacks up.
  3. In my post this week I mentioned how most people probably don’t understand bonds vs. equities and why that is troubling. This perspective thinks that if you truly want to understand how the world works you should get to know bonds.
  4. Running the numbers is always a fun way to waste time. Just kidding, it is essential the majority of the time. Here is the salary you would need to save 10% of your income to retire with $1 million.
  5. If you like pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks the fall is your jam. Save the $5 and go look at the leaves turn colors instead.

We just got back from Kauai yesterday so we are adjusting to the time change and the redeye flight with a 2 year old. Not that we are complaining – the trip was essentially free – but routine and getting back into the grind hasn’t gone as well as we would have hoped. Thankfully we still have a few days before Monday comes calling. In between now and then we will enjoy week 2 of college football (our poor ‘Noles didn’t fair too well by blowing an 18 point lead against Boise State last week) and the start of NFL games on this week 1 slate. Have a great weekend everyone!

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