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Week in review

The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin! posts in the past week:

Friday: Credit Card Balance Transfers

Stuff we found interesting on the web:

  1. No one really likes recessions but they are a necessary evil for the long-term health of our economy. We’re probably a little overdue for one. Just know when it hits some good things can actually happen. Here’s some of the stuff to pay attention to.
  2. Everyone seems to be in a rush to get to retirement these days. What will you actually do once you get there? Perhaps there is an art to it after all.
  3. If you haven’t noticed the stock market has been on a tear for the past decade. Shit is incredibly expensive right now. Just how expensive? Well, there have only been two other times in history they have been this expensive and let’s just say what happened next wasn’t pretty.
  4. We are big proponents of traveling with a baby. Some might even call us bold. The little guy has been to Spain, Singapore, Canada and more states than we have fingers. While there are others who have done it more and probably even more elegant we didn’t want to completely abandon the life we led before having a child. He’s a great little traveler and starting early has helped. Here’s a take that might just agree with our philosophy.

Football season officially kicked off last night in Canton, Ohio with the NFL’s Hall of Fame game. This means fall is right around the corner. It also means we’ve been at this for seven months and progress has been a little slower than hoped for but we’re keeping at it! Thanks for reading and hanging with us. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

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