It was February 2006 and little did I know I was about to make a $175K mistake.
The journey continues. The path towards financial independence is sound. And the just cause won’t change.
There is a saying we use around my company. We no longer have opinions, we have data.
5 memorable activities in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes We’ve been blessed to spend three amazing…
TRAVEL DAY TO GUATEMALA…. Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes I ‘piled’ for a little over a month for this…
BEAUTY IN THE CHALLENGE Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes Living here in Guatemala is full of 1st-world obstacles. Choosing to…
Our favorite things – stuff we’ve grown to love, trust or our current obsessions!

I got my first job at 14 – still have some of that money saved. I’ve been infatuated with personal finance since before college. Had an 8 month stint at Merrill Lynch back in 2008 (timing is everything in life, right?) which was one of the most enlightening years I could have ever imagined. I travel the world with my job. I’m an everyday dreamer and sports fanatic. Truly lucky to lead the life I live with a fantastic wife and a son that far exceeds anything I could have hoped for!

Shopping was my vice and even though I had an amazing closet filled to the brim with designer clothes and shoes, I found myself in some pretty serious debt. Fast forward 15 years, I have learned to balance the spender in me with a little saving, with the help of my husband and a little realignment of my own goals. It wasn’t easy and can still be a struggle from time to time, but love the life we live and the legacy we’re building for our family.

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