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Week in review

The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin! posts in the past week:

Sadly, we’ve been dealing with some unexpected life obstacles that came up and haven’t had much time to devote to writing but we are happy to report that things should be starting to slow down which will allow us to get a post or two up each week in the not so distant future. Fingers crossed 🙂 There are quite a few topics and content in the hopper that just need some polishing up – that’s the good news!

Stuff we found interesting on the web:

  1. Building a legacy and sustaining generational wealth is typically a common theme. JL Collins writes a pretty thought provoking piece on the subject. Should we all be investing for seven generations?
  2. Mr. Saver offers his time as a mentor to current FSU students each semester through the college of business. The second to last session is always on retirement and financial planning. It’s fascinating to see how much or how little familiarity the up and coming workers have. The questions that are asked are enlightening and allows time for reflection. In doing some prep I came across this: Invest in things that produce stuff. Or don’t?
  3. Mrs. Spender and I watched Free Solo, the documentary that won the Academy Award this year. We both found it compelling on lots of different levels. Apparently you can rock climb and earn as much as an orthodontist. Who knew?
  4. Raise your hand if you are familiar with the disease of more. More is not always better. Precisely why they’ve done studies showing that happiness equates to earning roughly $75,000 a year. More money, more problems.
  5. Who doesn’t love cartoons? Having a soon to be two-year-old (as of tomorrow actually – May the 4th be with you) cartoons are most certainly in our future. This adult version shows how the rich got rich and the poor got poor. Take a look and see if you agree!

We appreciate your interest and patience as we navigated a bumpy few weeks. That’s life though. Sometimes you just gotta ride the snake! Off to the weekend we go….

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