Week in review
The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin!
Stuff we found interesting on the web:
- For those that are already financially independent or retired this one’s for you. Perhaps you don’t subscribe to the famed 4% withdrawal rule and if not maybe you want to consider these ideas instead.
- Paying attention to other’s journey’s can be interesting. Sometimes it gives us inspiration and sometimes it allows to live vicariously. We stumbled upon this and it is definitely unique.
- Finding good quality wines these days can be challenging. If you are fond of California varietals from Napa Valley check out some of the wine producers who are doing their best to craft great product at respectable prices!
- The battle seems to be heating up between the proponents of FIRE versus the critics who think it simply isn’t possible. As we inch closer to the next major market downswing or recession some things will be put to the test and there is no denying that the recent decade long bull market has helped those execute their strategies. Sadly, it hasn’t stopped the myths of financial independence from being thrust out in the open of what FIRE is or isn’t.
- AI is everywhere and will definitely leave its mark on the world, some industries more than others. A robot is beating the market right now. Here’s how it is doing it. Kinda crazy, huh? Is this really the future? And if so, how does it change the dynamics of future investing?
The stock market volatility has returned in full force over the course of the last week. Remember not to over react while everyone else is panicking and if you happen to have some spare coin laying around consider buying on the dip as things go on “sale”. You’ll never time it perfectly but when investing over the long-run it won’t matter. Have a solid start to your weekend!