The Story of Our First “Date”
Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
A few weeks back the ‘Saver’ alluded in Where it All Started about our first ‘date’ and promised the story would be shared by me. Well, let’s get to sharing, because I LOVE telling this story.
In the few short conversations we had prior to this particular day, I learned we had a mutual appreciation for aviation and more specifically the Blue Angels. So when the Blue Angels announced they were flying in Phoenix, I reached out recommending we go together. Given we were both new to the city, I thought it was a great way to see something different and get to know one another.
Mixed Signal #1
We sent a few notes back and forth, formalizing our plans and working out the details. I couldn’t help but wonder, was this a date? Or just a couple of newbies getting to know the city? Well the first sign this was not a ‘date’ was he made me buy my own ticket. I offered to buy my ticket, and he didn’t object. Definitely just a friendly afternoon!
Mixed Signal #2
As we had planned, we met at the alumni bar to watch the game and then headed out to the airshow. We celebrated a win and since the ‘Saver’ was the organizer of the alumni event, we both stayed after and cleaned up. As we were walking out the door, he asked if I minded driving. I love driving, so really didn’t mind, but I was a little surprised by the request. And then I realized it was roughly 35 miles each way to the airshow. I couldn’t help but think, “wow this guy is cheap”! And in the back of my mind, the 2nd mixed signal was, “this is soooo just a friendship, he let me drive!”

We had a great time on the drive, with great conversations and I was really enjoying his company. We arrived just in time to watch the Blue Angels and following the show was a hot air balloon glow. If you haven’t been to one, they’re really special. Watching these enormous balloons come to life and ‘glow’ at night was beautiful in the desert sky. Over the course of the next few hours we spent together, my opinions started to change, maybe this wasn’t just a friendship. But the night wasn’t over yet.
We drove the 35 miles back to Phoenix, and during the drive we made the decision to grab a late dinner at a sushi restaurant near the alumni bar.
Mixed Signal #3
We sat down, enjoyed a wonderful meal. The conversation continued to be easy, friendly and fun. I really enjoyed talking to him and felt good mutual vibes. And then, the 3rd signal, the drumroll, the check arrived. And it just sat there. Yep, we both just looked at it. So I pulled out my wallet, laid my card down and he did the same. We split the bill!
I took him to his car we had left at the bar and drove home. After three mixed signals, this for sure wasn’t headed to the next step. I was happy though, I had just met a new friend who shared similar interests in a new city. All was right in the world.
Fast forward 13+ years, I can’t even tell you what our second or third dates were, but they actually happened, and we now laugh about this first ‘date’. I do remember those first conversations in the car is where we connected. Those conversations helped build the foundation to our very early relationship. I can still vividly remember them.
You never know what may happen, most folks deserve a second chance. But note to potential love interests, don’t follow the ‘Saver’s’ template. Hope you enjoyed this story!