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20 date ideas on a budget

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

As I mentioned in my post a few weeks ago, 23 Years Old and $50K in Debt, many of our fondest memories happened on a budget.  We were challenged as a couple to have fun while not spending money.  Foreign concept?  It was to us too!  But we learned along the way, had some amazing conversations and truly got to know one another.  All the while, being cheap and getting out of debt.

As Valentine’s Day is around the corner, here are 20 of my favorite date nights on a budget:

  1. Two Bottles of Wine: Buy one $25 bottle of wine and one $5 bottle.   Put brown paper bags around each and guess which one is more expensive.  Which one do you like more?
  2. Go to a movie, but during the afternoon matinee.  Typically $20 cheaper than at night.  And bring your own candy 🙂
  3. Picnic in the Park.
  4. Watch the planes take off and land at the airport.
  5. Find a new hiking trail.
  6. Try a new ice cream shop.
  7. Many cities have “FREE” museum days or weekends.
  8. Local Wine Tasting:  Instead of each doing a tasting, split one.
  9. Happy Hour instead of dinner!  We have an ongoing list of restaurants we still frequent, but only during Happy Hour!
  10. Rent a movie at home.
  11. Make your own romantic dinner.
  12. Visit the local Farmer’s Market.
  13. Attend a FREE REI information session, and learn something about the outdoors.
  14. Rent a paddle board or kayak in a local lake or river.
  15. Try a local coffee shop.
  16. Visit a new gym.  At many local studios, the first class is free.
  17. Check the local sale sites like Groupon or LivingSocial for special deals on attractions.
  18. Take a leisure bike ride through a new neighborhood
  19. Board game night!
  20. Do some good for the community and volunteer at your favorite charity.

Cheers to having fun, making memories and saving money!

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