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Week in review

The Week In Review is a snapshot and “one stop shop” of articles we’ve written during the week and other content we’ve found interesting and come across on the internet. The topics will vary but generally should have some linkage and relevance to what we discuss. Perspective and knowledge can provide some wonderful insights and inspiration. Hope you enjoy the spin! posts in the past week:

Sunday: 4 Random Things We Did This Weekend

Thursday: 5 Tips to Traveling with a Toddler on a BUDGET!

Stuff we found interesting on the web:

  1. It was reported over the weekend that beginning in 2021 American citizens will need “visas” to visit Europe. Apparently the interpretation of visa is used quite loosely here. It’s not nearly as dire as what the media originally reported. Supposedly it should be about a 7 Euro cost and approval will happen in minutes. Yes, you need to do this before traveling which makes it a little less convenient but not earth shattering. For those interested this country now has the most powerful passport in 2019!
  2. We took our little guy to Barcelona, Spain right around his first birthday. We agree that you should travel with your kids! In fact, there was a point in the little guys life he had visited more states than he had months of age. Now it is about half (not bad for a 22 month old). He’s even been to Hawaii. And we will add Singapore to the list in about four weeks!
  3. Definitely don’t let ‘Mrs. Spender’ see this. I managed to escape the Tesla phase 🙂 although secretly I want a Tesla too. I just can’t pull the trigger…guess that’s the saver in me.
  4. It’s not too often you turn down a $300M payday. But when you do, you better hope it works out.
  5. Everyone seems to be infatuated with the backdoor these days. No, not that one. The one physician on fire writes about. Definitely a way to supercharge your retirement position.

And with that – here’s to a great weekend!

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